LightEdge Case study


  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Solutions: Colocation, Bare Metal, LightEdge Cloud

Kemin is the science inside countless products you interact with every day. They create solutions that help strengthen your health and well-being. They provide nutrition and immune support for your pets and production animals. They also safeguard the planet’s natural resources and are dedicated to reducing environmental impact— they strongly believe in protecting the global food supply chain for generations to come.

In the realm of manufacturing, Kemin Industries confronted a daunting road. Their mandate was clear: endure minimal downtime. This surpassed the norms of traditional disaster recovery approaches. Adding to the complexity, their technological landscape intertwined Microsoft servers and AS 400s, creating a multifaceted challenge that demanded innovation.

Tailored to Kemin Industries’ unique canvas, LightEdge engineered an innovative strategy. With their IBM-certified Team, Kemin’s IBM AS/400s found a home in LightEdge Data Centers across two locations. Simultaneously, their Microsoft servers integrated into LightEdge’s cloud and Bare Metal solutions. 

“LightEdge’s Infrastructure and expert personnel have allowed Kemin IT to focus our efforts on, an dimplement, a sound Failover Process for our critical global applications.” 

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